Sales effectiveness encourages a promising future. Everyone is a buyer from driving age to beyond their retirement regardless of race, gender, lifestyle, or station in life. Alex says, Everyone, I repeat, everyone is a buyer, a potential owner. They are not flakes. Look beyond their image and focus on the opportunity to convince everyone you come in contact with to eventually hand over their wallet for vehicles or services you recommend. Do not prejudge people based on their appearance or condition of their vehicle. They didn’t steal it; they brought it somewhere and they need a new car. How many ups have been ignored because they pulled up in a brand new car? It was a rental because their car was just totaled in an accident.
Nothing in life is more rewarding than the actual experience of face to face communication with someone who has an interest in your product or service. It is a marvelous feeling of real personal satisfaction when you have encouraged your new owner to take your advice. Once convinced that you live by what you say, a potential life time relationship can develop where each outcome is the result of trust, joint passion for the product, and affection for the individual. This is difficult to accomplish artificially or electronically. The more sales experience you acquire at the point of sale, the more effective you become. Each responsible sale becomes more natural, you become more believable, and you create a successful way of life.
Planning your selling career long term is smart and rewarding. If you have remained close to your owners, that is the people that you personally brought in from the outside, they still have an allegiance to you and great faith in you. Alex says, When it comes to vehicles, we want them to think of YOU! At least give you a chance. That is sales effectiveness!